Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Beauty of Preschool!

Today at preschool, I could see brain's growing!  It is such a privilege to circulate amongst the littlest of workers; their tiny hands working on art projects, their little eyes looking up at the book we are sharing, their voices eagerly calling out answers and observations.  Learning to raise a hand, learning to walk down the hall quietly, learning who likes to play pirate ship on the playground.

It never ceases to amaze me how each child is so completely, 100% unique just like the flowers in a garden.  Even after years of teaching, it still surprises me.  And the gifts are there to be discovered.  This one is quiet and reserved and yet knows all of his numerals, this one can tie, this one can write her name, this one is brave and boisterous, but doesn't like glue on his hands.  They are each such a wonderful mosaic of loveliness.  Each is learning and growing at his/her own pace.  There is no need to compete and compare.  Each is right where he/she needs to be and each will forge ahead through the year, learning and growing with out even knowing what is happening.

I am so honored to be a preschool teacher.  Thank you for sending them to preschool for a few hours each weekday, so we can learn and grow and share and care for each other.  We are laying the foundations for successful years ahead.  We are developing positive self concepts, teaching life long lessons about working with each other, listening and communicating our ideas, sticking with tasks until they are finished, and caring about our classmates.  We are a learning community that is built on having fun.

Parents of young children, enroll your children in preschool so that they won't miss out on the joy and the excitement of learning and playing!  You will be giving them a gift of a lifetime.


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